The Catholic Worker is a movement of radical christians and has a pacifist and anarchist orientation. Our goal is to connect the Gospel with political action and practical aid to the poorest. In this way we want to give a sign of the Kin’dom of God on earth.
The Catholic Worker Movement was founded in the US by Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin the depths of the Great Depression in the 1930s.
Today over 200 Catholic Worker communities remain committed to nonviolence, voluntary poverty, prayer, and hospitality for the homeless, exiled, hungry, and foresaken. Catholic Workers continue to protest injustice, war, racism, and violence of all forms.
Inspired by the ideas and power of the Catholic Workers we brought it to Europe and started houses and communities in the Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Germany and Sweden.
The next gathering will take place June 6-10 2025 in Dülmen, south from Münster, Germany.
Please contact us about joining: info(at)