Dorothy Community in Amsterdam

We are a hospitable community that wants to spread a message of mercy and justice from a spirituality of simplicity.

A place where we live in community. Where it is easier to be a good human. Where there is hospitality, for undocumented refugees and others.

Spirituality is the beating heart of our community. A place of silence, contemplation and inspiration. And a simple lifestyle that contributes to a fairer world. Solidarity in everything we do.

We want to adress the injustices present in our society, that we are part of. By doing nonviolent actions. By opening our doors to undocumented people. By consious consuming and producing.


Dorothy Gemeenschap
c/o Jeannette Noël Huis
Dantestraat 202
1100 AP Amsterdam Zuid Oost

telephone: +31 - 20 - 699 8 996

e-mail: contact(at)dorothygemeenschap.nl
