The Jeannette Noë House is a community in Amsterdam South East. Our lifestyle is based on simplicity, hospitality, prayer and direct action for a better society. The community originated from the Catholic Worker movement in the United States.
The Catholic Worker is a movement of radical christians and has a pacifist and anarchist orientation. Our goal is it to connect the Gospel with political action and practical aid to the poorest. In this way we want to give a sign of the Kingdom of God on earth.
In the Noël House six people live together with ca. twelve refugees without papers, who may or may not have the prospect of getting a residence permit. The Gospel-words from Matthew: "All you did to one of the least of my brothers and sisters, you did to Me" urges us to open ourselves to the needs of others. We try to share what we have with others who have less. We don't ask a salary for what we do, but we get board and lodging.
The core group shows a brotherly cooperation of christian anarchists and democrats, convinced pacifists and hawks, vegetarians and meat-eaters, young and old, men and women. The Catholic Worker movement has no party line or headquarters. Within the movement everyone searches time and again for new and old answers to topical questions. We think it is everyone's personal task to help when someone is in need. We do not claim government money. Thanks to the support of many people, angels and saints and God's mercy this community can flourish.
Jeannette Noël Huis
Dantestraat 202
1100 AP Amsterdam Zuid Oost
telephone: +31 - 20 - 699 8 996
postal adress: Postbus 12622, 1100 AP Amsterdam.
e-mail: noelhuis(at)