We are a community of Catholics living out our faith in the world.
We take a radical interpretation of the Gospel message and teaching authority of the Church
We believe the world needs to be transformed by prayer and action
We practise the works of mercy.
We are anti-violence and are therefore against war, nuclear weapons, abortion and euthanasia.
We believe every person is a child of God without exception and should therefore be treated with dignity.
We are inspired by the example of Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin and Catholic Worker communities.
To grow a Catholic Worker community in Glasgow through prayer and round table discussion to clarify our thoughts particularly in the light of Catholic Social teaching.
To take direct action to bring attention to the wrongs in society such as Nuclear Weapons, Drones and the treatment of those who seek sanctuary.
To promote alternatives to neoliberal capitalism such as worker cooperatives.
To work with other groups to bring about our aims.
To identify and reach out to the forgotten people in society and to welcome those who seek sanctuary in this country.
To establish a house of hospitality where the forgotten people will be welcome
Always to be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.